Our Health checks offered here are designed by expert professionals with each package set to meet the standards according to International benchmark. The packages come at affordable cost and has no hidden conditions or charges. By choosing a package with us, you will be experiencing the best of healthcare at affordable cost with constant outcome.
The essential package is the basic package to start your health checkup and to initiate your health status monitoring at an economic cost.
The essential package is the basic package to start your health checkup and to initiate your health status monitoring at an economic cost.
The basic package, taken up a notch is the elegance package. This package gives additional information on your body’s health status.
The basic package, taken up a notch is the elegance package. This package gives additional information on your body’s health status.
The elite package features additional tests and screening which provides an in depth insight to all the systems in your body.
The elite package features additional tests and screening which provides an in depth insight to all the systems in your body.